Hi Guys,
Thanks again for all the support, the week end came and I did the work.
The result was on the whole good, engine runs like a dream with the 7100 oil. I would like to thank the Gorilla who screwed on the oil filter for costing me half the morning and a few cuts and bruses as well to get it off. The trick was a two front attack with the belt type tool and the 3 prong over the back type working in combination with a stratigic hammer, a third arm would be bloody handy too.
Oil was a bit brown and mirky and I need to invest in a better catcher than a 2 litre milk carton, still we live and learn.
I changed out the final drive oil (probably not necessary) it was a clean as the new but the magnetic plug was showing a good deal of black metalic dust stuck to it.
Now the clutch, I flushed out the fluid and changed to clen new DOT4, the reservoir was quite dirty so I gave it a good clean out, after I gota good bleed on the new fluid I gave it a try, absolutely blood aufull. I did it all again, this time the old way with a submerged valve, and working the spanner in sequence with the lever to get mode very tiny bubbles out. The result was glorious, like a rolls royce. Short lived, I took it for a run and after about 20 mins it was getting back to the old story, but not so bad.
All in all things are much better and it all seems to be related to the clutch, any ideas, maybe do it again (bleeding) or does anyone think it's maybe seals ?
Sorry guys, there is no spell checker on this forum so you may need at time to interperate what is there.
I had a lot of fun Saturday playing with it and more fun on Sunday giving her a good test.
All thought / comments / assistance very welcome and rewarded with a drop of the old amber.
Thanks - John.